Innovative SMEs - startups ( start-ups ) invites the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA) to apply to the GAZELLE: orGAnizing accELaration for high-potential innovative SMEs, of the INTERREG BALKAN - MEDITERRENEAN 2014 - 2020 transnational cooperation programme.
The main objective of the project is:
- the acceleration of innovative SMEs characterized by a rapid growth rate ("Gazelles") in the Balkan-Mediterranean region
- the creation of an ecosystem where "the "Gazelles" can run faster and longer"
The selected innovative SMEs will go through an intensive business acceleration program supported by two major institutions:
- the purchase of angels and
- the transfer of technology at transnational level
This combination is an innovative approach that will give startups the opportunity to innovate their business model and strengthen their international cooperation.
In addition, they will be able to search for "smart money", collaborate with universities and seek cooperation with other "Gazelles" participating in the project from:
- Greece
- Cyprus
- Bulgaria
- North Macedonia
These will be achieved, under the acceleration programme, through the operation of the local Support Centre of the project and their participation in investment forums to be held in the four partner countries.
The evaluation criteria will focus mainly on:
- the maturity of the business idea
- the possible creation of jobs
- the extroversion of new products / services
Allinformation about the Call and how to apply is available at:
For further information or any clarifications, interested parties can contact the following e-mail address: and telephone 211 1036916 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Deadline for Applications startups
Applications can be submitted until February 28, of the year 2022.
What is the Gazelle project
The project "orGAniZing accELaration for high-potentiaL innovativE SMEs – GAZELLE" is a transnational project implemented under the INTERREG Balkan Mediterranean Programme 2014-2020 and co-funded by the European Union and national resources of the partners. The acronym "gazelle" has not been chosen randomly. "Gazelles" are those companies that are characterized by rapid growth rates, with a substantial contribution to the creation of new jobs. The aim of the project is to develop a transnational integrated mechanism that will facilitate "Gazelles", promoting access to:
(a) financing (i.e. in 'smart money') and
b) scientific knowledge and know-how
The following stakeholders participate in the partnership of the GAZELLE project:
- ACCI, Greece
- University of Athens, Greece
- Ruse Chamber of Commerce, Bulgaria,
- Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Economic Chamber, North Macedonia