February 23, 2025 5 min read
AADE: New SMR for apartment buildings and buildings


The problem that had arisen in some cases of apartment building managers since the SMR of their apartment building was connected to their own business activities, is solved by the AADE.

By decision of the Governor of the Authority, Mr. Giorgos Pitsilis, a special SMR is created for the managers of apartment buildings and buildings. It will automatically convert the incorrect SMR records to the correct one. At the same time, it will inform owners with possible incorrect SMR records that are not detected by the system. This will allow them to make corrections through the digital platform "My requests". The deadline expires on 31 October.

According to the decision:

1. A special SMR is created for the managers of apartment buildings and buildings

2. The new SMR automatically updates the VAT numbers of apartment buildings or buildings identified by the AADE systems with incorrect SMR classification

3. Care is taken for the retroactive correction, without penalty until 31.10.2022, of possible incorrect entries in TIN that have been assigned to apartment buildings and relate to the declared SMR, which has either not been matched in accordance with POL 1157/2008, or is not in line with the building management. The holders of these SMRs will be notified by mail to make a correction by sending a relevant statement through the Digital Reception and Request Management Application of the Independent Public Revenue Authority "My Requests".

4. Issues that arise during the process of interoperability of the information system of the AADE with the corresponding systems of the Public Administration bodies are resolved.

The issue has been identified by POMIDA . For example, it has reported a case of a building manager, an engineer by profession, who had filed for retirement. Although he was eligible, the NFKA denied the pension as based on the AADE data there was "active activity" in the name with an ID. Except that this activity had the SMR with the one he issued in his name as the manager for the apartment building. Of course it has nothing to do with any business activity.

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