The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) is proceeding with the simplification of the procedures for the assignment of TIN and changes of business data by decision of its governor George Pitsilis.
Specifically, decision A.1134/2022 simplifies the following procedures:
1. Changes in business data and internal installation data that are included in the myAADE digital portal (Registry and Communication / Changes of Registry Data), are submitted from 17.10.2022 onwards exclusively through the myAADE digital portal (myaade.gov.gr).
2. The statements and supporting documents for those Registry procedures that are included in the "My Requests" application of the myAADE digital portal. They are submitted from 01.11.2022 onwards exclusively through this application.
For the above two cases, relevant statements and requests will no longer be served through a visit to the Tax Offices, as pointed out in the relevant announcement of the AADE.
3. It is now possible to issue a VAT number to a natural person by any Tax Office. Regardless of the address of his residence or the address of residence of his authorized representative.
4. In accordance with the provisions of the Lawyers' Code (Law 4194/2013), the presentation of an authorization is not required, in cases of transaction for issues of registry changes or granting of a TIN with an attorney on behalf of his client.