The actions for the improvement of energy efficiency constitute the largest sub-fund (3.5 billion euros) of the actions of the Ministry of Environment and Energy that will be funded by the new NSRF 2021-2027 according to the proposals submitted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy for the new programming period.
NSRF 2021-2027 - improving energy efficiency
The General Secretary of Energy and Mineral Raw Materials Alexandra Sdoukou, during her speech at the National Development Conference held today at the Athens Concert Hall, added that only from the development of renewable energy sources and the implementation of actions for the energy upgrading of buildings and improving their energy performance θα μπορούσαν να δημιουργηθούν περί τις 60.000 μόνιμες θέσεις εργασίας.
"We are feverishly preparing the new savings programmes for the private and public buildings and for industry, but also the national plan for electromobility", she stressed. "We hope that the contribution of the NSFR and the development of the infrastructure of the electrical transmission system (and by this I mean mainly the electrical interconnections that are planned, which are a prerequisite for the penetration of RES and their coupling, but also the projects for the development and digitization of the electricity distribution network".
Ms. Sdoukou expressed her concern about the fact that the Draft Regulation for the programming period 2021-2027, largely excludes natural gas infrastructure for granting funds from the NSRF 2021-2027. However, as he said, Greece has submitted specific proposals and hopes for a more favorable treatment, taking into account - among other things - that new infrastructure that is currently maturing such as the Alexandroupolis FSRU, or the underground gas storage of Kavala, contribute to the diversification of energy sources and the strengthening of Europe's security of supply, as well as the fact that natural gas will act as a transition fuel to the new, RES-based energy system while the process of lignite phase-out is taking place.