On Monday, 31 January at 13:00, the submission of online business applications for the third cycle of the programme for subsidising 7,000 new jobs starts, for unemployed people aged 30 and over in the Less Developed Regions of the country. Emphasis is placed on the long-term unemployed and the unemployed aged 50 and over.
The Regions for the new jobs program are as follows:
Who it is aimed at the subsidy for new jobs
The program is aimed at private companies.
Duration of subsidy for new jobs
The duration of the subsidy is 12 months.
Amounts of monthly salary subsidy and insurance contributions
The amounts of the monthly salary subsidy and insurance contributions for hiring unemployed people in new full-time positions are as follows:
- 473 euros monthly (5,676 euros annually) for the unemployed up to 49 years old
- 568 euros monthly (6,816 euros annually) for the unemployed aged 50 and over
- 615 euros monthly (7,380 euros annually) for the long-term unemployed
- 710 euros monthly (8,520 euros annually) for the long-term unemployed aged 50 and over
The purpose of the action is to promote employment, especially for the long-term unemployed and the unemployed of older ages whose long-term unemployment makes it difficult for them to reintegrate into the labor market.
New jobs budget
The total budget for the subsidy for new jobs amounts to €44.000.000 and is co-financed by the European Social Fund , through the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020".
It is pointed out that there is no commitment to employment after the end of the program and simplified and faster integration and repayment procedures are foreseen. The grant of salary and non-salary costs also includes the corresponding Christmas and Easter gifts and leave allowances.
Businesses submit applications to the State Aid Information System of the Ministry of Development & Investments at: www.ependyseis.gr
For the Public Call and detailed information, interested parties can visit: http://www.oaed.gr/anoikta-programmata.
You can see detailed information about the Action here .