The submission of online funding applications for the new NYPA Business Grant Programme for the employment of 5,000 unemployed people, aged 18-66, with a focus on the green economy and women, has started.
The aim of the action is to create 5,000 new "green" jobs in businesses full-time that are or will be active in the green economy. The grant covers up to 80% of the salary and contributions for 15 months, up to €12,264 per new job.
The Public Employment Service - PESA 's employment subsidy schemes are aimed at private businesses and general private sector employers who are regularly engaged in economic activity. Businesses interested in participating may submit their application exclusively online either:
a) through the e-services platform of the DYPA:, or
b) through the Single Digital Portal of the Greek public sector:
After the application has been submitted, the CFCA confirms that the company meets the requirements. The employment advisers of the DPA nominate candidates with the specialisation and qualifications declared by the employer. The employer selects the beneficiary and proceeds with the recruitment.
The total budget amounts to €49.880.000 and is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund.
For the relevant Public Calls and for more information, interested parties can visit: