February 23, 2025 5 min read
2η Τροποποίηση και Παράταση υποβολής προτάσεων της Δράσης: Αναβάθμιση πολύ μικρών & μικρών επιχειρήσεων για την ανάπτυξη των ικανοτήτων τους στις νέες αγορές


Δημοσιεύτηκε η 2η Τροποποίηση - Παράταση υποβολής προτάσεων έως 9/6/2016 και ώρα 17:00 της Πρόσκλησης υποβολής αιτήσεων χρηματοδότησης επιχειρηματικών σχεδίων στη Δράση: Upradia Micro & Small Businenesses The Develop Therr Kapavelites June New Markets, of the Op. "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK)», ΕΣΠΑ 2014 – 2020.

2η Τροποποίηση - Παράταση- Λόγοι

  • Extension of the date for the electronic submission of funding applications until Thursday 09 June 2016 at 17:00.
  • Add a flag for co-location of businesses
  • Addition of a provision for the possibility of cancelling the online application for funding of the business plan and resubmitting a new application for funding to the action by the potential beneficiaries, within the set deadline.
  • Abolition of the presentation of an unemployment card or a certificate of registration in the unemployment register of the OAED in force on the date of recruitment. It concerns the case of a request for a change of employee

For the rest, the provisions of A.P. 669/149/A2/11.02.2016 (a/a MIS 1390 and code KE04)), as amended and in force, apply, on the subject: Invitation to submit applications for financing of investment projects in the Action "Upgrading of micro & small enterprises for the development of their capabilities in new markets", NSRF 2014-2020 (ADA: ΩΘΥ24653Ο7-Κ42).

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