The Second - 2nd Amendment and extension of the Call for Applications for funding applications for business plans in the action Digital Step.
2nd Amendment and extension of submissions - Content
The main points to be amended are as follows:
- The deadline for the electronic submission of funding applications is extended until Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 16:00
- The cost of drafting the investment project is added back to the eligible costs as the costs are eligible from the date of publication of the Call
- It is allowed to undo the finalization of the electronic application for financing of the investment project provided that an application to undo the finalization has been submitted within the same exclusive deadline (up to two working days before the deadline for the electronic submission of the funding applications to the Action). With this option, the data entered in the RIS for this funding application are available for correction/modification. In any event, any resubmission of the application for funding shall be allowed within the set deadline.
For the rest, the provisions of the Decision with A.P. 3168/531/A2/04.06.2018 (a/a MIS 2925 and code 016KE) on the subject: Call for applications for funding of investment projects in the Action "Digital Step" of the O.P. "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" - Call Code 016 KE EPANEK - OPS 2925 (SAA: ΩΙΕΖ465Χ8-KPSD) and in the with A.P. 4470/472/Α2/19.07.2018 First (1st) Amendment of the Call (SAA: PSPNL465XI8-FA3) (Correct Repetition on 23.07.2018).
The 2nd amendment of the Call will be published in the DIYΓEIA programme and posted on the web pages of the EIF EPRANEK: http://www.antagonistikotita.gr , of the NSRF: www.espa.gr and the Ministry of Economy and Development: www.mindev.gov.gr .
More information about the action here.