The twenty-first (21st) Decision of Rejection of State Aid Actions under the Action: the Competitiveness Toolbox for Small and Micro Enterprises of the European Regional Development Fund for Small and Micro Enterprises has been published.
One hundred and thirty-nine (139) Transactions were rejected, totaling €8,840,155.42 in public expenditure. as reflected in Table 1 of the relevant Rejection Decision, which, based on the Minutes (A/A 38 and 39 of the preamble) of the Evaluation Committee and the relevant Approval Decision (A/A 40 of the preamble), as well as the cumulation check of Unit B4 of the EAFRD EPRANEK (A/A 41 of the preamble), do not qualify for inclusion in the Action: Competitiveness Toolkit for Small and Very Small Businesses, with IPS Code 019KE (A/A 3428), of Priority Axis 01 "Entrepreneurship Development with Sectoral Priorities" and 01S "Entrepreneurship Development with Sectoral Priorities (Sterea Ellada, South Aegean)", of Investment Priority (3c) "Supporting the creation and expansion of advanced capabilities for the development of products and services".
Applicants whose applications for funding are rejected by this call for proposals have the possibility to submit an electronic objection to the evaluation procedure once per step of the evaluation procedure - as described in the Detailed Call for Proposals - via the State Aid Information System, at the following address: https://www.gsis.gr/kpske, within an exclusive period of twenty (20) calendar days from the day following the adoption of this Decision, in accordance with Chapter 9.4 "APPEALS PROCEDURE" of the Detailed Call for Proposals of the Action.
Budget of the Action: the Competitiveness Toolbox for Small and Micro Enterprises
400 million euros for all regions of the country
The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by national resources.
Beneficiaries of the Action
Small and very small enterprises
Investment Plans & Subsidy
Investment plans from 20,000 euros to 200,000 euros
Subsidy from 50% to 65%
The amount of the subsidy is determined based on the export performance of the companies.
Eligible Areas of Activity in the Competitiveness Toolbox
- Agri-food / Food Industry
- Energy
- Supply Chain
- Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI)
- Environment
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Health
- Materials - Constructions
You can see more information about the action here.