March 31, 2025 5 min read
1st Amendment to the Action: Upgrading micro & small enterprises to develop their capacities in new markets


The 1st Amendment of the Call for Applications for funding of business plans under the Action has been announced: Upgrading Micro & Small Enterprises to develop their capacities in new markets.

1st Amendment - Grounds for amendment

  • Addition to the decision of a specific closing time for the submission of investment projects to the deadline for the submission of investment projects
  • Addition of a restriction to the Detailed Call regarding the participation of a potential beneficiary in more than one EPANEK Actions for which calls were published on 11 February 2016
  • Addition of the obligation to maintain existing employment independently of staff subsidy
  • Addition of new eligible Development Activity Codes (Nace code)

In all other respects, the provisions of A.P. 669/149/A2/11.02.2016 (a/OPS 1390 and code KE04) apply.) Subject: Call for applications for funding of investment projects in the Action: Upradia Micro & Smal Businenesses The Develop Therr Kapavelites June New Markets, NSRF 2014–2020 (SAA: ΩΘΥ24653Ο7-Κ42) and its attached annexes.

More information about the action here.

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