March 28, 2025 5 min read
Επιχορήγηση υφιστάμενων επιχειρήσεων που έχουν πληγεί από την πανδημία σε περιοχές που υπέστησαν μεγάλες φυσικές καταστροφές»: Δωδέκατη τροποποίηση Απόφασης Έγκρισης χρηματοδότησης αιτήσεων


Subsidization of existing businesses

Δημοσιεύθηκε η δωδέκατη (12η) τροποποίησηΑπόφασης Έγκρισης χρηματοδότησης αιτήσεων που υποβλήθηκαν στο πλαίσιο της Δράσης του ΕΠΑνΕΚ «Επιχορήγηση υφιστάμενων επιχειρήσεων που έχουν πληγεί από την πανδημία, σε περιοχές που υπέστησαν μεγάλες φυσικές καταστροφές» σχετικά με την έγκριση χρηματοδότησης είκοσι πέντε (25) επιπλέον αιτήσεων με δημόσια δαπάνη 359.321,55 ευρώ.

Με την τροποποίηση της Απόφασης τα συνολικά εγκεκριμένα/ συγχρηματοδοτούμενα έργα στη Δράση ανέρχονται σε χίλια πεντακόσια εξήντα έξι (1.566) με τη συνολική δημόσια δαπάνη να ανέρχεται σε 13.300.899,85 ευρώ. Το σύνολο των εγκεκριμένων έργων αφορούν σε Μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις.

Οι Λήπτες της ενίσχυσης δύνανται να υποβάλουν διοικητική ένσταση αποκλειστικά μέσω του ΠΣΚΕ, εντός αποκλειστικής προθεσμίας δέκα (10) ημερολογιακών ημερών από τη γνωστοποίηση μέσω αυτοματοποιημένου μηνύματος, προς τη δηλωμένη ηλεκτρονική ταχυδρομική διεύθυνση στο ΠΣΚΕ.

See the relevant Decision here.

Beneficiaries of the Action

Businesses, regardless of their legal form, that operate legally and are active in the areas affected by natural disasters.


Up to 18,000 euro grant per beneficiary company, which will be granted as a lump sum to provide liquidity and cover future operating costs.


Indicative operating costs eligible for the grant, under the application of the simplified cost option and flat rate calculation, may include the following:

The public funding of each potentially benefiting company is calculated during the funding application based on the submitted historical expenditure data of each applicant company for the operating expenses of the year 2019, as shown in the corresponding tax form E3, and by applying a horizontal percentage to the operating expenses of the year 2019.

For businesses that have started operations within 2019. The reduced sum of the amounts of codes 581, 585 and 587 of the tax form E3 of the year 2019 is calculated as the total actual sum of the specific codes for the total number of operating days of the year multiplied by 365 .

For businesses that have started operations within 2020. The reduced sum of the amounts of codes 581, 585 and 587 of the tax form E3 of the year 2020 is calculated as the total actual sum of the specific codes for the total number of operating days of the year on 366.

Οι επιχειρήσεις που συστάθηκαν εντός του 2021, ανεξάρτητα εάν είχαν έσοδα από επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα ή όχι, δύναται να λαμβάνουν κατ αποκοπή ποσό ύψους 2.000 ευρώ.

ATTENTION: For the calculation of the grant, amending tax data (amending E3 statement or amending VAT), which were submitted after the publication of this Call, are not accepted.

Grants for existing businesses affected - Basic Conditions of Participation

The beneficiaries of the Action should, among other things, meet the following conditions:

- Municipality of Mantoudi-Limni-Agia Anna, (Prefecture of Evia)

- Municipality of Istiaia-Edipsos (Prefecture of Evia)

- Municipal Unit of Arkalochori in the Municipality of Minoa-Pediados (Prefecture of Heraklion)

- Municipal District of Damasio, in the Municipality of Tyrnavos (Prefecture of Larissa)

- Municipal District of Mesochori in the Municipality of Elassona (Prefecture of Larissa)

- Municipal Communities: Amourio, Preitorio, Vlachogianni and Magoula of the Municipal Unit of Potamia of the Municipality of Elassona (Prefecture of Larissa)

- Municipal Unit of Ancient Olympia in the Municipality of Ancient Olympia (Prefecture of Ilia)

- Municipal Communities: Lala, Achladinis, Doukas and Nemoutas of the Municipal Unit of Foloi of the Municipality of Ancient Olympia (Prefecture of Ilia)

- Municipality of Argostoli (Prefecture of Kefallinia)

- Municipality of Lixouri (Prefecture of Kefallinia)

- Municipality of Sami (Prefecture of Kefallinia)

- Municipality of Ithaki (Prefecture of Kefallinia)

- Municipality of West Samos (Prefecture of Samos)

- Municipality of Eastern Samos (Prefecture of Samos)

- Municipal Communities: Vrisas and Stavrou of the Polichnitos Municipal Unit of the Municipality of West Lesvos (Prefecture of Lesvos)


a) For the Municipalities of Argostoli, Lixouri, Sami and Ithaki, only those enterprises of the Regional Unit of Kefallinia and Ithaki that were affected by the "Ianos" phenomenon in September 2020 and for which the autopsy work was not completed in time by the State Aid Committees are beneficiaries Region, as the details of these businesses are certified by a document from the relevant Region.

these businesses are certified as earthquake victims and their information is confirmed by a relevant document from the relevant Region.

For businesses that have an administrative year from 1 July to 30 June, the turnovers of the years 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2019 and 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2021 are declared and compared. The turnovers as derived from the periodic VAT declarations of these intervals.

The businesses they have entered into franchise agreements, in their capacity as licensor or franchisee, declare this fact in the financing application and are checked during the verification stage as to whether they are related undertakings in order to determine the aid that is counted for the control of the accumulation of aid importance (De Minimis).

Caution: Beneficiaries who have already submitted a funding application to the Action: "Emergency grant of entertainment businesses, organization of events and exhibitions, event catering, provision of gym and dance school services" and their application is in progress are not entitled to submit a funding application evaluation or approved. Beneficiaries are entitled to apply for funding under this Natural Disaster Action: Only in the event that their application to the other Action is rejected.

Subsidy for affected existing businesses - Eligible expenditure

Indicative operating costs eligible for the grant, under the application of the simplified cost option and flat rate calculation, may include the following:

  • rents of professional premises,
  • costs of energy, fixed and mobile business telephony, water supply, heating, etc.,
  • expenses for third party fees (legal, consulting, accounting support, etc.),
  • promotion and networking expenses (design and printing of advertising forms, posters, advertising listings, expenses for participation in professional exhibitions, company website/Creation and/or Upgrade, etc.),
  • consumables supply costs,
  • depreciation of fixed equipment (tangible and intangible),
  • salary costs of the company's personnel.

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